TriumphConnected, LLC.

A networking platform designed for the holistic development of college student athletes.

TriumphConnected, LLC.

Our Mission

To foster a networking community amongst athletes, alumni, and Potential employers, that supports and enhances student athlete development beyond their sport.

TriumphConnected, LLC.

The need

460,000 NCAA student athletesAccording to the 2020 NCAA report, fewer than 2% of NCAA student-athletes go on to be professional athletes (2020 NCAA Report)


Provide athletes with accessible tools and opportunities to develop themselves beyond their athletic ability.


Enhance collegiate student athlete well-being and build support systems with athletes nationwide.


Create mentorship programs within communities.


Host networking events specifically for student athletes.


Increased number of athletes graduating with jobs in their desired field.


Greater student athlete retention rates.


Increased number of athletes with summer internships.

Dr. Eddie Comeaux

“One of the biggest issues is that they don’t feel adequately prepared. There’s an ongoing tension while they are in school between athletic obligations and being a true student who is actively engaged in different learning environments”

When asked the major challenge for college athletes transitioning out of sports.

Triumph's Future

Creating an active website with up to 5,000 student athletes subscribed within the first year.
Launch a successful app to accommadate athlete's by year five.
Establish nationwide networking opportunities for students.

TriumphConnected, LLC.

Giving athletes the tools to be unbeatable.